Golden Eagles
Golden Eagle Class Photo Gallery
Year 4/5/6 Cycle C 2024/25 |
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Topic |
Ancient Egyptians |
Rivers and Water Cycles |
Curriculum focus |
History |
Geography |
Beyond the Boundaries |
Cultural Experiences |
Egyptian day |
Canal Walk |
Aspirational Experiences |
Meet a historian |
Meet an ecologist |
Eco Opportunity |
Orchard |
Creating rivers |
Writing |
Fiction |
Book unit |
The Legend of Podkin one-ear |
The Explorers |
Film unit |
Tadeo Jones |
David Attenborough Amazon |
Non-Fiction |
Instructions for mummification |
Life in the Amazon |
Foundation Subjects |
Science |
Habitats |
The circulatory system, diet, drugs and lifestyle |
Art |
Egyptian patterns and hieroglyphs. 3D sarcophagus/Modroc mummy |
Water cycle diorama Background colour washes. watercolours and large brushes. |
Design Technology |
Egyptian food |
Creating a water system |
Music |
Year 4/5 |
Getting started with Music tech (5) |
Getting started with Music tech (5) |
Year 5/6 |
Developing melodic phrase (6) |
Understanding structure form (6) |
Computing |
Year 4/5 |
Programming in Scratch |
Video Editing |
Year 5/6 |
Programming in Scratch |
App Design and Text Based Programming |
Religious Education |
3 - Religious Buildings and Art |
3 - Religious Buildings and Art |
Physical Education |
Football/Swimming |
Football/Swimming |
Personal, Social, Health & Economic |
Being Me |
Celebrating Difference |
MFL - French |
Year 4/5 |
On the move |
On the move |
Year 5/6 |
Let’s go shopping |
Let’s go shopping |
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mymaths core activities
Spin the wheel and have a practice at some key maths activities ...