Birdham CE Primary School


Dear Parents & Carers


What a fabulous first month we have had!  The children are settling in to their new routines and classes brilliantly.  A very warm welcome to all our new children and parents/ carers.  We hope your child will be very happy here. 

Our new reception children are adjusting really well to their new surroundings and loving coming in to school.

The Isle of Wight visit for our two older year groups was exhausting but ultimately so rewarding to see all our young people challenging themselves. 

It seems this morning autumn is making an appearance.  Time for hot chocolate and warm soup!

Kind regards

Mr McCadden


Coats & jumpers

Now that autumn is here, please make sure your child has a warm waterproof coat and their school jumper or cardigan in school every day.  Unless it is pouring with rain or very wet underfoot we aim to get children out for some fresh air every day.

Jumpers can be ordered online from the supplier and delivered directly to your home (you can find the link on the website under the ‘Parents’ pencil).

Please make sure everything is clearly labelled with your child’s name.



We will aim to continue as long as possible but once the children start to shiver, we know the season is over. 

At the moment please make sure your child has their swimming kit (including a non-latex hat) in school every week.   We do have a couple of spare kits in school that we can lend children if they have forgotten theirs. 


Kingswood, IOW, V6

You will all have seen the photos and videos every day on ClassDojo but what we couldn’t get across was the smiles on your children’s faces and how proud they were of themselves and each other when they had faced their fears and completed the challenges they were set.  Watching them cheering each other on was something to see.  The children were a credit to you.

You will have noticed that the children have become more confident in their outlook since returning too.

I would also like to recognise the work my staff did during the week.  Mr Byrne, Miss Pottle and Mrs McCadden joined in with the activities drumming up as much enthusiasm as they could and making sure your children had the time of their lives. 


Grub Club

Grub club is back this term again!  There are still some tomatoes and peppers left from last week outside school.  If you would like to take some, please bring a bag or other container with you to help yourself.  Grub club is every two weeks on a Thursday after school with the next one on Thursday 10th October.

As we move into the autumn and winter, we will be leaving the food crates on the tables under the shelter along the side of the building by Golden Eagle class.  Please make sure you bring your own bag to collect your donations as we do not have enough bags and to ensure that everyone that needs food can get food, please only take what you need for your family. 



Unfortunately, a neighbour has complained to the office again, this time about a black Vauxhall Zafira parking across their drive.  Please ensure that you pay attention to all the road markings and be considerate to our neighbours. 

Ample parking is readily available at the village hall and church. 


Clubs & Club Payments

There are still spaces available on some clubs, in particular board games club for Year 1 and Year 2 on a Tuesday after school.

Please ensure that all relevant clubs are paid for as required as soon as possible.


Parents evenings

It will be parents evening and our book fair during week commencing 21st October 2024.  Parents’ evenings are a vital part of the home-school relationship so please make every effort to attend. 

Once the system opens in a week or so there will be an email asking you to book a 10 minute appointment to see your child’s teacher in school.  Our book fair will also be available in the hall on both evenings. 

Tummy Upsets

Please remember, as we head into cough and cold season, if your child has vomiting or diarrhoea or both, you must keep them at home for 48 hours after the last episode has occurred. 

If the swimming pool is open, then children may not swim for 12 days after they return to school (14 days after the last episode).


And Finally...

 Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them to try again next year. 😊


Dates For your Diary:

Please look on class dojo for upcoming events. 

October 2024  
Tuesday 8th Children’s Bookfest author visits
Friday 11th Robin class Teddy Bears Picnic
Friday 18th FPTA School Disco
Tuesday 22nd Parents Evening 1/2 & book fair
Wednesday 23rd Goldfinch class Novium visit
Thursday 24th Parents Evening 2/2 & book fair
Monday 28th start of half term
November 2024  
Monday 4th Inset day (school closed)
Tuesday 5th return to school
December 2024
Thursday 5th Flu nasal spray for YR – Y6
Wednesday 18th

Christmas lunch & jumper day

Friday 20th last day of term

January 2025

Monday 6th Inset Day (school closed)
Tuesday 7th Start of term
Wednesday 22nd Young Voices at the O2
February 2025  
Friday 14th Inset Day (school closed)
Monday 17th Half term
Monday 24th return to school



Academic Year 2023/2024