Rainbow Team
At Birdham we recognise that every child is different; and every child needs different support at different times. Particularly since the national lockdowns we have noticed an increasing number of children requiring a little more 'unstructured time' and so as part of our curriculum we allow some children to work with a friend or two and an adult in our Rainbow Room.
This Rainbow Room is contained within our Eco Centre, and we ensure an inclusive environment that allows all children feel confident and supported. The Rainbow Room is a sensory room and provides a safe space that allows children to be ready for learning. The room is set up to allow for small group work and interventions such as small groups of Lego therapy and also for 1:1 support. Outside agencies such as play therapists or the speech and language team also use this space for targeted interventions.
The Rainbow Room was particularly developed to support pupils with:
- Developing social communication
- Sensory processing
- Understanding and regulating their emotions
- Improving mental health and wellbeing
- Having access to brain breaks
The use of the Rainbow Room is overseen by our SENCO, Mrs Ellis, and our team of Learning Support Assistants (LSAs), an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) and a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). We are very fortunate to have this area as it enables us to be inclusive of the many and varied needs of our pupils whilst also ensuring they have access to high quality teaching in the classroom.
The Team includes:
Mrs Ellis as SENCO
Mr McCadden as SMHL
Mrs McCadden as our ELSA
Mrs Holcombe as our DSL
Mrs Terry as an LSA
Mrs Jeffers as an LSA
Crumble - our Therapy Dog
Jeremy - our Therapy Rabbit
Currently our Therapy Rats are the exclusive property of Kingfisher class!